Absolute must visit: national tourist route Valdresflye

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The National Tourist Route Valdresflye is a 37-kilometer road running between Garli and Besstrondsæter.  It’s one of the most scenic drives in Norway and an absolute must visit on your trip to Norway.

The route climbs up the Valdresflye, a flat mountain plateau where the road reaches 1,389 m above sea level. The name of this route is a combination of the name of the district Valdres, and the the finite form of fly ‘flat mountain plateau’. The road stretches out ahead in long sweeps of undulating terrain with spectaculair views.


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Rock on top of another rock, Steinplassen

The two stone blocks, “Rock on Top of Another Rock”, at Valdresflye are an real piece of art work. This work questions itself: is it made by man or is it one of nature’s whims? What do you think?  🤔 😊


©Foto: Roger Ellingsen / Statens vegvesen, Norwegian Scenic Routes

Valdresflye during winter

The landscape can appear friendly in summer, but the road is closed in the winter for good reasons. The huge snow masses that cover the road during winter make the task of keeping the road open too demanding. Between Garli and Maurvangen, parts of the route are therefore closed between December and April.


©Foto: Jarle Wæhler / Statens vegvesen, Norwegian Scenic Routes


Foto credits: ©Jarle Wæhler / Statens vegvesen, Norwegian Scenic Routes

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